Is it possible to think of nothing and
remain awake? Is thinking of nothing the same as not thinking at all? Is being conscious of something the same as
thinking? Do all thoughts take objects? Where do 'objects of thought' come
from? Perhaps these are odd questions.
Usually there is no need to ask. Thinking is about something or other.
We spend
a lot of time thinking about the future. This includes all the mundane
things we have to plan for and carry out. It includes thinking about what is
coming up for our health, education and job prospects, relationships, the state
of the economy, politics, retirement, taxes, death; in short, all the things
that people care about that point to the future.
We spend most of the rest of the time
thinking about the past. I think of the good times and the bad times, the
people I have known. Sometimes an old landscape comes before my imagination,
now covered with houses and roads, sometimes a flower I have seen, or the smell
of orange blossoms in spring. I think of old loves and passions, the turmoil of
youth, the work of middle age, and the reflections of later life. Looking back,
we can try to see the meaning hidden in events that were too close and involving
to be understood clearly at the time.
Can objects of thought come from the
present? I do not see why not. Bringing your attention to sensations or
perceptions of objects brings you directly to the present. This is because the
living body is rooted in the present in a way that thinking is not. For
example, to become conscious of the feeling in your left foot is to come into
the present of your body at a particular moment. Similarly, becoming aware of the specific
perceptual qualities of an object also brings you to your senses. So if you
were to see a rare bird and remember to pay attention to its color, and the
flash of its wings, this, too, brings you into the present of your body as
perceptual system. All too often one is
'elsewhere' when the bird passes by. In addition, there are contemplative
practices that fill the present meaning, as in Plato's intellectual
contemplation of the Forms or religious contemplation of sacred symbols.
However, such objects are not temporal in the same way as sensations or objects
of perception.
Yet more objects of thought come from
subjects like logic, mathematics and geometry. The objects of these studies are
universal necessary truths that do not depend upon contingent facts for their
validation. I can intuit some simple truths like this. For example, I can see a
circle is round and a square is rectangular. So, if I take up a position, as
Spinoza suggested, “under the aspect of eternity”, I am thinking about
something that does not change over
time. Every time I look at a circle, I can be sure to see its circular shape.
Some objects of thought are timeless.
Have I left anything out? What about
“Mindfulness?” Does mindfulness count as thinking about something or nothing?
By “mindfulness” I am thinking of a dedicated or “single-minded” mindfulness.
Roughly speaking, this form of mindfulness brings one into the present moment
without comment or judgment. One is simply in watchfulness over what transpires
within one's field of bodily/mental experience. Mindfulness is word free, a
simple awareness of a present actuality that cannot be named, but can be
encountered in stillness. Chattering to oneself destroys it. The words that
make up our descriptions and explanations distract us from the moment.
One can be mindful in different ways. I am
mindful of the pavement so that I do not trip, or mindful of the feelings of
others. I am mindful of putting the silverware away, conscious of putting each
fork or knife into it proper place. Here, we are still thinking of things, albeit
in a mindful way that brings us more fully into the present moment.
Nevertheless, discursive or calculative thinking is incompatible with
'single-minded' mindfulness.
So, can one think of nothing and remain
awake? The answer is 'yes' in the case of 'single-minded' mindfulness. It is
thinking of nothing in the sense of not categorizing things or making
calculations about them. It is neither having abstract truths before one's
imagination, contemplating symbols or images, nor attending to sensations. 'Single-minded'
mindfulness is neither engaged in the world, nor apart from it. It does not
tell itself stories, valuing or negating, wishing or hoping, but receives and
accepts whatever is going on as long as it continues; allowing thoughts and
feelings, words and images, to exist as soon as they arise and to let them go
as soon as they are ready to leave.
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